Sehri ki Dua/Roza Rakhne ki Dua in Arabic

While there is no specific dua (prayer) prescribed for sehri, this dua is widely practiced within the Muslim community:

وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ
Wa bissawmi ghadann nawaitu min shahri ramadan

Simply making the intention (Roza rakhne ki niyat) to fast is sufficient for keeping a fast, this prayer shows the intention to observe the fast.

Sehri ki Dua/Roza Rakhne ki Dua in English

The dua for keeping fast in English is a simple yet important declaration:

I Intend to keep the fast for month of Ramadan

sehri ki dua in english
roza rakhne ki dua in english

Sehri ki Dua/Roza Rakhne ki Dua in Urdu

For knowing the meaning of sehri ki dua to understand what it means and what we are reciting every time we do sehri ki niyat, Urdu translation of dua for sehri is written in the following;

میں نے ماہ رمضان کےروزے کی نیت کی
Main ne mah e Ramadan kay rozay ki niyat ki

sehri ki dua in urdu
dua for sehri in urdu

What is Ramadan

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is a time for Muslims worldwide to fast, pray, analyze, and come together. It is regarded as one of Islam’s Five Pillars, which serve as the foundation for a Muslim’s beliefs and actions.
Ramzan is the most prestigious month for the Muslims. They do according to the sunnah of fasting and recite roza rakhne ki dua every morning before prayer of Fajar. In the evening, Muslims recite dua for closing fast at the time of prayer of Maghrib.
Throughout the Ramadan month, people wake up early at Namaz E Tahajjud and then start making arrangements for Sehri. When they do sehri ki niyat, they cook delicious foods to eat. They offer nafl, give best wishes of Ramadan to each other and do dua for the blessings of Allah Almighty.
When it comes to sehri ki niyat (after the meal), Roza rakhne ki dua serves as a soothing companion during Ramadan. Its earnest utterances provide every Ramadan morning a unique and spiritually profound experience. A delightful and encouraging dua for cheerful Sehri ki niyat!

Facts About Ramadan

  • Throughout Ramadan, there are additional rewards for making donations.
  • It is said that during Ramadan, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received the revelation of the Holy Qur’an, which serves as a guide for all people.
  • Lailat al-Qadr, Known as the Night of Power, it is believed to be the night when the first verses of the Quran were revealed. It falls within the last ten nights of Ramadan
  • The entire month of fasting is Ramadan. Among the five foundations of Islam is fasting.
  • Every year, the start and end dates of Ramadan are different. Because the lunar cycle provides the basis for the Islamic calendar.
  • In 624 CE, fasting throughout Ramadan was instituted for the first time.

Why do Muslims Fast during Ramadan

Like Muslims today, the Prophet Muhammad and his contemporaries fasted as an act of being thankful to God.
Due to a commandment from Allah, Muslims observe fasts during the month of Ramadan. Because Allah loves fasting and instructs His believers to fast, Muslims honor Him via this practice.
Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“O you who believe! Observing As-Sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (pious).” [al-Baqarah 2:183]

This month, every person distributes love and seeks Allah’s blessings. The sunnah of fasting teaches Muslims to be patient in every matter and seek help from Allah Almighty.
People understand each other and help according to their strengths. Many people invite other people to have sehri at their place for the sake of Allah’s love and perform the sunnah of fasting throughout this Holy month.

What breaks the Fast

It is crucial that the person fasting fulfills their religious obligations and abstains from doing or saying anything prohibited. Thus, he should refrain from haram activities and backbiting, lying, spreading unfavorable rumors, and engaging in haraam transactions.
The following six items result in the fast invalid:

  • Sexual Relations (You cannot have sex with your wife or husband when you are performing a sunnah of fasting.
  • Masturbation
  • Everything categorized as belonging to the same category as consuming food and liquids
  • Releasing blood by the cupping method and similar techniques
  • Intentional vomiting
  • The menstrual cycle and nifas


Can you drink water while Fasting?

NO! You can only drink or eat after Iftar. There are two reasons: intentionally and Unintentionally.
If someone unintentionally breaks their fast during Ramadan and drinks or eats throughout the day, it is not a sin because, according to the Quran(interpretation):”Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error.” [Al-Baqarah 2:286]
But if someone intentionally breaks their fast during Ramadan and eats and drinks throughout the whole day, it is a sin.

Does smoking break your Fast?

YES! Consuming anything is prohibited in Islam. Since smoke enters the stomach and penetrates the body’s interior, it is considered haram and breaks the fast. Whether food is good or bad, everything that makes it to the stomach and within the human body breaks the fast.

Which countries celebrate Ramadan?

All Islamic countries celebrate Ramadan. There are Muslim communities that do not reside in Islamic countries, but they fast and celebrate Ramadan happily. In the world where a single Muslim lives, they will celebrate Ramadan, obey Allah Almighty’s order, and do accordingly.

Can you listen to music during Ramadan?

NO! Music is banned in Islam. Not only is it prohibited to listen to music during Ramadan, but it is also prohibited during other times of the year.

Is it recommended to recite the sehri ki dua or dua for sehri aloud or quietly?

It does not matter if a person recites roza rakhne ki dua or sehri ki dua out loud or in the heart. The most important thing is that the person should firmly do roza rakhne ki niyat or sehri ki niyat for the rest of the day; that would be enough.

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